Monday, April 20, 2009

Vogas Software

The Vogas tuning software is a little bit overwhelming at first but after a few experiences with the software I came to the understanding that the software is very straight forward.

The heart of the supplemental CNG software is the translation table. Shown here.

One of the best things about the Vogas kit is the ability to use varying percentages of each fuel.
The table shown takes the incoming gasoline injector pulse and multiplies the pulse width by the amount shown. By using an EGT probe, you can ensure that the Natural Gas (NG) applied is not too much. Unlike gasoline engines, running too rich on NG, can heat up the engine to a point beyond the breaking point.

The engine gets too hot and can be damaged. Too much gasoline on the other hand, will tend to cool the engine. Just the opposite effect that the NG has on the engine. The other part of the Vogas software allows one to enter the ratio of NG to gasoline.

This allows what is called by the manual "Split Fuel". A percentage of both can be added or an exclusive amount of a single fuel. I am told that the software allows use of fuel beyond 100%, that is, 100% gasoline plus an additional percentage of NG.

Here is the picture of the split fuel table. Just enter the percentage of NG that you want to use and the software does the rest. For example, entering 80% gives 80% NG and 20% gasoline.

The pictures below show other parts of the software. The first picture below shows the overview screen. This screen shows RPM per cylinder, input from the MAP sensor, what fuel is being used currently, compensation, temperature and gas pressures.

In order to connect the computer - In this case a laptop to the Vogas system, first you must plug in the CAN to USB transceiver into the Vogas harness. Next plug the USB into the transceiver. Once plugged into the USB port of your computer, the software will establish a connection to the transceiver.

Then it will download the current fuel map or table so that you can edit it in the software. A couple of the screens that aren't shown is the setup and testing of the injectors which can be manually triggered via the PC software.

Once connection is established the screen shows all of the pertinent information of the NG gasoline and engine systems. This information can be used to adjust the tuning of the system and once modified; the tables are downloaded to the target Vogas ECU.

A handy item to have available is a dynamometer. When I helped my friend set up his system, we did the load testing on the Edge Products dynamometer. We were able to place a static load on the truck with the dyno and then adjust the fueling to accommodate the best mix or best type of fuel for the load applied.

Although this took several hours because we had to adjust, download, test the system was very able to be adapted to the vehicle and after the tuning session, the truck in this case ran great.
One more noteworthy screen is the change-over screen. Changing from one fuel to the other can be a major headache. Sometimes cutting off one fuel and starting the other fuel works -
Most times there needs to be a slow change over for this to happen.

Other parameters that can effect change over is engine temperature RPM, and percentages of each fuel.
As you can see from the picture, the Civic change over is moderately slow. NG is slowly increased as gasoline is decreasing. This for me was a major time-sync. Getting the car to change over smoothly without stumbling. The Civic test bed still occasionally lowers the RPM as it transitions but for the most part, it changes pretty well.


QuiJeSuis said...


Did you have the pinout of the vogas cable ???

QuiJeSuis said...


I looking for the vogas software, did you still have it ??

Jose luis santana said...

i have the vogas software, if you want that only tell me...

QuiJeSuis said...

Yes I Want ... How we can do ??

Jose luis santana said...

only sent me you email address to, i reply you with link for download the software.

Unknown said...
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